
Reflection Paper in 21st Century Literature and Research in Daily Life STEM II ( GrouP 3 )

21ST CENTURY LITERATURE "JAYVEE LITERATUS" Studying 21st century from the Philippines in the world is essential as a student to know the way of communicating and preserving important details of culture, tradition and attitudes.   I want to learn and know our own culture and how to appreciate it. I’m not good enough to understand this things and lacking information about the literature but I have determination to research and study all that I have to know when I get fired up. As a student of stem strand I want my grades up, I want to graduate and when I grow up I want to be a seaman, I want to be a successful man but one thing that you should know first is to appreciate and preserving our own literature especially in our cultural heritage to be a good Filipino netizen as well. "JOSHUA APAL" 21st Century  is  our 1st period of the afternoon. and  is a history subject that you know what is the history of  the things that have a history. Sir jun t